
Are aliens real or have been created for entertainment, I was always fascinated by these thoughts when i was a kid and after watching the famous tv series,StarTrek featuring William Shatner. I read a lot of books on these subjects and tried to discuss these with my friends but as usual some believed and some did not. But with advancement of technology and internet we can download and upload videos. Hence in this site I will be uploading videos posted in the net on these subjects and confessions of whistleblower who sacrificed their lives for them.

Reptilians Among Us – The Alien Race ‘Here’ On Earth

US President’s Security manned by aliens ????

Source :- /// Youtube:- John Medy &TheBelek »»» Tutoriales para PC y Más

Reptilian – serpent – snake iconography is found throughout the planet in art work and petroglyphs, referring to the spiral of consciousness creation and human DNA. It is laced with metaphors about human origins and destiny. From the ouroboros to ancient myths, serpent references define our journey.
Description: Typically, Reptilians are described as 6 to 8 feet tall, bipedal, having scaly green skin, have a bad odor, have large eyes usually yellow or gold with a vertical pupil. They are sometimes linked to myths about ancient astronauts who allegedly came to Earth to seed the planet and promised to return one day. No one is coming back.
Reptilian humanoids are a proposed race of intelligent, supernatural, or highly developed reptile-like humanoids in mythology, popular fiction, pseudoscientific theories and in the writings of New Age conspiracists. They appear in some conspiracy theories, most notably those of Riley Martin, John Rhodes, David Icke, and in science fiction. Reptoids, a conjoined word defining Reptilian-Humanoid beings, is the most popular name used to describe these cryptid beings, although some authors also refer to them as dinosauroids, lizardfolk or lizardmen. Other names include Draconians, Saurians and Sauroids. They are often described as being green or gold color. Similar to the other cryptids, no one has produced proof of the existence of reptilian humanoids, and allegations of their existence can at best be referred to as cryptozoology or pseudoscience.

Mythological References to Reptilian HumanoidsSeveral ancient peoples all over the world have described reptilian beings, and some have described reptilian humanoids. Common in numerous mythologies are tales of reptilian creatures (usually not humanoid) who are often, but not always, hostile to human beings. Also rather common are the myths of “Serpents of Wisdom” who enlightened humanity before the dawn of civilization.

Some individuals, doubting claims of reptilian humanoid sightings or contacts, suggest that the mythological preeminence of reptilian forms could stem from a genetic memory of instincts developed millions of years ago, when mammals were the prey of the reptiles which dominated the Earth. Dreams of reptiles are often interpreted as symbolizing “ancient drives” and “instinctive responses”.

AmericasThe Toltec Mayan god Gucumatz was described as a “serpent of wisdom” who enlightened humankind. His Aztec counterpart was named Quetzalcoatl. In the Yucatan, he is called Kukulcan.

The Hopi refer to a race of reptoids called the Sheti, or “Snake-Brothers”, who live underground. The Cherokee and other Native American peoples also refer to reptoid races.

In pre-Columbian mythology from Colombia, Bachue (the primordial woman) transformed into a big snake. She is also sometimes called the “Celestial Snake” (Serpiente Celestial).

Many users of the drug Dimethyltryptamine (the active ingredient in many South American shamanic potions such as ayahuasca) have seen reptilian humanoids or reptilian disincarnate entities and aliens while hallucinating (Strassman 2000).

EuropeCecrops I, the legendary first King of Athens was said to have been half man, half snake. The ancient Titans and Gigantes were sometimes depicted as winged man-like beings with serpents instead of legs, for example on a fresco on a temple in Pergamum. In these images from Pergamum, some of which depict the gigantomachy, one sees the giant Klyteios with huge serpents in place of legs.

Boreas (Aquilon to the Romans) was the Greek god of the cold north wind, described by Pausanias as a winged man with serpents for legs.

The European dragon dates back to ancient depictions on various archaeological artifacts. An early instance in literature was the dragon that guarded the Golden Fleece in the Voyage of the Argonauts. In the Middle Ages, tales of dragons seem to have become even more common. The dragon in Europe, as a rule, was not conceived as having a humanoid form, and would not qualify as an instance of a reptilian humanoid unless explicitly described as humanoid.

IndiaIn Indian scriptures and legends the Naga are reptilian beings said to live underground and interact with human beings on the surface. Some are alleged to turn human. In some versions, these beings were said to have once lived on a continent in the Indian Ocean that sank beneath the waves. Indian texts also refer to a reptilian race called the “Sarpa. The Syrictae of India were a tribe of men with snake-like nostrils in place of noses and bandy serpentine legs.

East AsiaThe Chinese, Korean and Japanese speak throughout their history of L—ng (Yong in Korean, Ryu in Japanese) or dragons, conceived of in both physical and non-physical forms, but rarely depicted in humanoid form, though they may assume a non-reptilian human form.

The Japanese have tales of Kappa, a basically reptilian humanoid.

In China, Korea and Japan, underwater realms where the Dragon Kings and their descendants live are referred to, as well as the lineage of humans from a race of dragons. This lineage was often claimed by Asian Emperors, who were believed to be able to change from human to dragon form at will, much like the modern concept of shapeshifting reptilians. However, the dragon is seen as good rather than evil in Eastern tradition.

Middle EastIn the Middle East, reptilian beings ranging from certain Jinn to dragons and serpent-men have been spoken of since ancient times. In one of the apocryphal books purporting to be the lost Book of Jasher, a serpent race is described.

In the Book of Genesis, God punishes the serpent for deceiving Eve into eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil by decreeing, “Upon thy belly thou shalt go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of your life” (Genesis 3:14 KJV). Traditionally, many have felt this implied that the serpent (a snake or reptile) had legs before then. Thus It is therefore often portrayed in Western art as a humanoid (woman) with a snake’s tail, and sometimes lizard-like feet, as in a detail from Bosch’s Last Judgement.

In the Middle Ages down to modern times, the Devil was often conceived as a humanoid with reptilian characteristics, as were demons in general. But the New Testament reference of Revelation 12:9 which identifies the serpent of Genesis as Satan himself (the “dragon, devil, Satan, ancient serpent,” etc.) gives insight from another angle. The serpent in the Garden of Eden was Satan himself, a beautiful supernatural being (either called a “serpent” symbolically, or because he manifested himself commonly in a dragon/serpent-like form). Hence the reference to “crawling” and “eating dust” is purely symbolic of his ultimate defeat and humiliation.

AfricaIn Africa, some shamans claim to bear extensive esoteric knowledge of a race of reptilians called the Chitauri, whom they say control the Earth. They also claim to have accounts of a reptilian race who created them and used them to work their gold mines. Also, the ancient Egyptian god Sobek was portrayed as a man with the head of a crocodile.

Modern ClaimsEven in modern times, some claim to have encountered reptilian humanoids. In many of these cases, a UFO is part of the encounter; alien abduction narratives sometimes allege contact with reptilian creatures.

Scientific SpeculationIn a thought experiment published in 1982, paleontologist Dale Russell, curator of vertebrate fossils at the National Museum of Canada in Ottawa, conjectured that, had the Chicxulub meteorite not exterminated the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, bipedal predators (theropods) which existed at that time, such as Troodon, would have evolved into intelligent beings similar in body plan to humans. Troodontids had semi-manipulative fingers, able to grasp and hold objects to a certain degree, and binocular vision.

Like most dinosaurs of the troodontid family, this imaginary creature, which Russell called the “Dinosauroid”, would have had large eyes and three fingers on each hand, one of which would have been partially opposed. As with most modern reptiles (and birds), its genitalia would have been internal.

Russell speculated that it would have required a navel, as a placenta aids the development of a large brain case, however it would not have possessed mammary glands, and would have fed its young, as birds do, on regurgitated food. Its language would have sounded somewhat like bird song.

Russell’s fanciful speculation has been met with criticism from other paleontologists since the 1980s, many of whom point out that Russell’s Dinosauroid is overly anthropomorphic. Gregory S. Paul (1988) and Thomas R. Holtz Jr., consider it “suspiciously human” (Paul, 1988) and argue that a large-brained, highly intelligent troodontid would retain a more standard theropod body plan, with a horizontal posture and long tail, and would probably manipulate objects with the snout and feet in the manner of a bird, rather than with human-like “hands”.

Darren Naish (2006) pointed to the ground hornbill as a better model for an intelligent dinosaur.

Artists have used these new approaches to the original thought experiment to re-interpret the Dinosauroid, going so far as to create “Dinosauroid cave art”, which depicts sentient, tool-using troodontids and other dinosaurs and pterosaurs, painted using sticks and feathers.

The Anunnaki

Zecharia Sitchin claims to have translated Sumerian tablets referring to an alien race which created a race of humans to work as slaves in their mines in Africa. This race is called the Anunnaki and Sitchin claims that the “Black-headed” people of Sumer were created by these beings by mingling the “life-essences” of “man and beast”. According to Sitchin, the “Black-headed people” were considered slaves in the Sumerian caste hierarchy beneath their creators. The Sumerian Tablets refer to the creation of the Black-headed people in the geographical area called ‘AB.ZU.’, which is said to correspond to West Africa. See also Stargate.

The royalty was said to be a combination between “dragons” and humans, or to be direct descendants of the Sun God, Shamhash. Contrary to the claims of David Icke, the Draconian Sun-God aspect of the royalty does not correspond to the Anunnaki, but to a different set of gods. Anunnaki comprised only 23 gods in the Sumerian pantheon, including Enlil (lord of wind/air) and Enki (lord of earth). Other gods were not Anunnaki at all, but were personifications of the Sun, or what were described as ‘Sir’, or Dragons, in Babylonian. This word, ‘Sir’, also apparently meant ‘great serpent’, and is related to the Sanskrit word ‘Sarpa’, which was also used to describe great “Dragon-Gods” who ruled over, and created, the original Dravidian culture.

Sitchin also suggests that the Annunaki probably still exist in some form or another, with some degree of influence over humanity. These beings are speculated to be either amphibious, reptilian, or quasi-reptilian, from ancient description.

According to Arizona Wilder, who claims to be a former mind-controlled subject of MK-Ultra (much like Cathy O’Brien), Zecharia Sitchin is in league with the reptilians as a disinformation agent. She claims to have seen him with other shape-shifting reptilians at many high-level functions attended by the world’s “elite”. Her claim to have been a subject of mind control makes her “eyewitness” accounts suspect.

Laurence Gardner, historian and holder of many other titles (the validity of which have been debated), claims that a “Dragon Bloodline” (a “Holy Grail”) was created in ancient Sumer when reptilian aliens called “Anunnaki” descended upon the region and created a royal bloodline through genetic engineering.

Stewart Swerdlow, and old friend from NY, claims to possess extensive knowledge of alien intervention in Earth-human society, and describes in detail the activities of a Reptilian race called the Draco, originating in the Draco star system. He also mentions a more benevolent reptilian race called the Anunnaki, the Sumerian Program, which created the Black race in Africa. He claims that this is supported by ancient Sumerian tablets, as well as the histories of the indigenous peoples of Africa, such as the Zulu, as well as physical evidence such as ancient mines which have been discovered by the Anglo American Corporation, dating to 60,000 years B.C.

Conspiracy TheoriesReptilians (also called reptoids, reptiloids, or draconians) are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in science fiction, modern ufology and conspiracy theories.

There are many conspiracy theories involving reptilian extraterrestrials, or terrestials of reptilian lineage. Many posit that the so-called Greys are in fact reptiles, and should be categorized as “Reptoids”, others that Reptoids are an entirely different species working with or in opposition to the Greys. Some have also claimed that they are capable of shape-shifting (Icke, 2004).

One of the earliest, modern-day reports is that of Ashland, Nebraska police officer Herbert Schirmer. On December 3, 1967, Schirmer claims to have been taken aboard a UFO that appeared just outside of Ashland, where he encountered humanoid beings, 4 feet 6 inches to 5 feet tall, who wore close-fitting silvery gray uniforms, boots, and gloves. Their heads were thin, and longer than a human head. The skin on their faces was grey-white, the nose flat, the mouth merely a slit which did not move, even when they spoke. Their eyes were slightly slanted. While only slightly reptilian in their outward appearance, these beings bore a “winged serpent” emblem on the left side of their chest. Schirmer alleged that the beings are from another galaxy, and have bases on Earth.

John Rhodes was the first person to seriously investigate and publicly present claims of reptilian-humanoid sightings and/or contact. He established the Research Center in 1997 to collect, review and present evidence of reptoid activity. He has also appeared on television and radio shows being interviewed about his discoveries and the science supporting the theory of Reptoids.

Rhodes contends that the majority of the reptilian humanoids are descendants of the dinosaurs and are biological byproducts of Earth evolution. He also states that human attention has been intentionally misdirected away from the underworld toward deep space, so the subject of underground Earth dwelling Reptoids and lost ancient civilizations can remain secret. Rhodes also adds that most accusations of politicians shape-shifting into reptilian humanoids are totally unfounded, and that such reports are simply projections of collective fear and blame for the world’s conditions.

When questioned as to why Reptoids have become the proverbial “whipping boys” of modern ufology, he responds that it is because people tend to have a knee-jerk reaction to the image that western religious authorities have conditioned us to fear and distrust.

A subterranean Nazi-friendly super race is sometimes associated with accounts of reptilian humanoids, and also with the telekinetic super race depicted in Vril: The Power of the Coming Race.

Riley Martin, author of The Coming of Tan and frequent guest of Howard Stern, claims personal knowledge of Targzissians, a malevolent race of reptilians who manage to coexist with six other types of aliens on a mother ship near Saturn.

Paul Shockley, a self-professed psychic, also speaks of malevolent reptilian beings. However, he explains that he does not believe that all reptilians are malevolent, and that there are benevolent members of this species as well.

The Theories of David IckeAccording to David Icke reptilian humanoids are the force behind a worldwide conspiracy directed at manipulation and control of humanity. He contends that most of our world’s leaders, from George W. Bush to members of the British royal family, are in fact 7-foot tall, blood-drinking reptilians from the star system Alpha Draconia.

According to an interview with David Icke, Christine Fitzgerald, a confidante of Diana, Princess of Wales, claims that Diana told her that the Royal Family were reptilian aliens, and that they could shapeshift. David Icke and others have claimed that U.S. President George W. Bush and his family are part of this same bloodline (Icke, 2004).

Icke claims, based on his exploration of genealogical connections to European royalty, that many presidents of the United States have been and are reptilian humanoids. In his view, United States foreign policy after September 11 is the product of a reptilian conspiracy to enslave humanity, with George W. Bush as a servant of the lizards.

He also theorizes that the reptilians came here from the constellation Draco. One type of reptilian entity that people see during alleged encounters resembles reptoids like those that are addressed in the studies of John Rhodes and the Reptoids Research Center. Like most conspiracy theories, proving Icke’s hypotheses is impossible, but he continues to sell books and give speaking engagements based on concepts ranging from the New Age to his political opinions.

Others who share the negative viewpoint of reptilian humanoids include Cathy O’Brien, a woman who claims to be a victim of CIA MKULTRA mind-control. O’Brien says in her book “The Trance-formation of America” (with Mark Phillips) that she witnessed George Bush Sr. physically shapeshift into a reptilian alien being. She rationalized this as potentially being a holographic illusion as part of her mind control programming. Arizona Wilder reported similar sightings of prominent politicians shape-shifting into reptilian beings during Illuminati blood rituals. While her claims sound frightening, no supporting evidence or additional eyewitnesses exist.

Patrick Bellringer and other supporters of NESARA also claim that George Bush is a reptilian. In this scenario, the announcement and implementation of NESARA (a law passed in secret) will ultimately end reptilian control over the planet Earth.

Reptilian humanoid aliens figured prominently in the 2003 murder trial of David Icke fan Linda Henning who was eventually convicted of murdering her boyfriend’s ex-wife, Girly Chew Hossencofft. The trial was covered by CourtTV, providing national exposure to the conspiracy theories involving such creatures. Henning allegedly believed or was told by co-conspirator Diazien Hossencofft that Girly’s killing would serve as good practice for the upcoming showdown with the reptilians. Familiar themes of a Bush family reptilian connection surfaced in evidence seized in connection with the trial. Both Henning and Hossencofft are serving life sentences.

Reptilians Wikipedia

The Worship of the Serpent

Rainbow Serpent (Snake)

Egyptian Goddess Nuit

Metaphysical Myths Based on MetaphorsThe Reptilians are the creation of the Carians, (Bird Headed Beings) their parent race. They evolved on a planet in the Alpha Draconi star system of the Orion Constellation. The royal line of Reptilians are the Draconians, or Winged Dragons from the House of El. Reptiles have two major sub races, Winged Serpents (Snakes) and Lizards (Lizzies.) Reptilians have a highly sophisticated knowledge of universal law and are allegedly responsible for the Mystery School Teachings on Earth. The Reptilians allegedly were given a creational agenda by the Carians. They were to move through the universe and destroy any existing civilization they found along the way, recreating new DNA codes and entities following those codes. It was part of a Master Plan, a Universal Game, Polarity Integration, reality in conflict, an experiment in emotions, resulting in soul evolution at the end of the cycles of its existence.


Belt Stars of Orion, Three Main Pyramids, Giza Plateau
In the beginning …

Sirius, Queen’s Chamber (Feminine), Pleiades (Sister Stars)
Orion, Kings Chamber, Thuban
Thuban, Gold, Snake, Alpha Draconis, Reptilian DNA Experiment
Thuban was the pole star when the pyramids allegedly were built and the program began.
Seamen called it ‘The Dragon’s Tail’.
Seamen / Semen / Seeding

About Thuban … (See Draco Map Above)

Thuban (Draconis / Alpha Draconis) is a star (or star system) in the constellation of Draco. A relatively inconspicuous star in the night sky of the Northern Hemisphere, it is historically significant as having been the north pole star in ancient times. Even though Thuban carries the Bayer designation Alpha Draconis, at apparent magnitude 3.65 it is over a magnitude fainter than the brightest star in the constellation, Dra (Etamin), whose apparent magnitude is 2.23. Thuban is not bright enough to be viewed from light-polluted areas. The Alpha designation is apparently due to its history as the ancient pole star.

Given good viewing conditions, Thuban is relatively easy to spot in the night sky, due to its location in relation to the Big Dipper asterism of Ursa Major. While it is well known that the two outer stars of the ‘dipper’ point to the modern-day pole star Polaris, it is less well known that the two inner stars, Phecda and Megrez, point to Thuban, just seven and a half degrees of arc from Megrez.

Due to the precession of Earth’s rotational axis, Thuban was the naked-eye star closest to the north pole from 3942 BC, when it moved farther north than Theta Boštis, until 1793 BC, when it was superseded by Kappa Draconis. It was closest to the pole in 2787 BC, when it was less than two and a half arc-minutes away from the pole. It remained within one degree of true north for nearly 200 years afterwards, and even 900 years after its closest approach, was just five degrees off the pole. Thuban was considered the pole star until about 1900 BC, when the much brighter Kochab began to approach the pole as well.

Having gradually drifted away from the pole over the last 4,800 years, Thuban is now seen in the night sky at a declination of 64¡ 20′ 45.6″, RA 14h 04m 33.58s. After moving nearly 47 degrees off the pole by 10000 AD, Thuban will gradually move back toward the north celestial pole.  SourceI20346 AD, it will again be the pole star, that year reaching a maximum declination of 88¡ 43′ 17.3″, RA 19h 08m 54.17s.

John Medy

Bob Lazar – Another Whistle Blower

Robert “Bob” Lazar is the owner of United Nuclear Scientific Equipment and Supplies. Lazar also claims to have worked as a scientist and engineer, reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology at a site called S4, in the Emigrant Valley and Old Kelley Mine area, near the Area 51 test facility. He claimed to have passed several tests by U.S. military officials and was warned that should he reveal anything, his family would be executed (Lazar reportedly signed an agreement to this). Lazar stated the space probe on which he worked creates its own gravitational pull and can pull the fabric of space and time toward it. Both universities from which he claimed to hold degrees have no record of him.

Claims regarding Area 51 / Area S4

In November 1989, Lazar appeared in a special interview with investigative reporter George Knapp on Las Vegas TV station KLAS to discuss his purported employment at “S4”, a facility he claims exists near Area 51. In his interview with Knapp, Lazar said he encountered several flying saucers. He says he first thought the saucers were secret terrestrial aircraft whose test flights must have been responsible for many UFO reports. On closer examination and from having been shown multiple briefing documents, Lazar came to the conclusion that the discs were of extraterrestrial origin. In his filmed testimony Lazar explains how this impression first hit him after he boarded one craft being studied and examined its interior.[8] Lazar claims to have “worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory (specifically in the Meson Physics facility), involved with experiments using the half a mile long Linear Particle Accelerator.”[9] Knapp claimed to find Lazar’s name among that of other scientists in the 1982 Los Alamos phone book[10] and have a 1982 Los Alamos Monitor news article mentioning “Lazar, [as] a physicist at the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility.”[11]

For the propulsion of the studied vehicles, Bob Lazar claims that the atomic Element 115 served as the fuel. Element 115 (temporarily named “ununpentium” (symbol Uup)) reportedly generates a minuscule gravity field which can be tapped and greatly amplified because the field happens to extend just beyond each atom’s outermost electron shell. Exactly how this field is accessed, however, remains unclear. But the end result is allegedly a highly directional gravity distortion field. Under proton bombardment, furthermore, it is claimed that the atoms of Element 115 produce antimatter particles which participate in a process of extremely efficient energy production for powering any and all systems and subsystems within the craft. The mass of the nuclear fuel aboard each craft was said to be approximately two kilograms and was enough to last for several years before requiring replenishment.

The large-scale gravity distortion effect is produced by three independently steerable waveguides or tubes within the craft and results in a foreshortening or compression of space-time that would, in effect, greatly shorten the distance and travel time either to a local or interplanetary or, possibly, an interstellar destination.[12]

Lazar also claims that he was given introductory briefings describing the historical involvement by extraterrestrial beings with this planet for the past 100,000 years. The beings allegedly originate from the first and second planets within the Zeta Reticuli star system and are therefore referred to as Zeta Reticulans, popularly called ‘greys‘.[13] According to Lazar these beings were referred to as ‘the kids’ within the program, or as ‘gourds’ among the personnel.

Lazar’s stories have garnered considerable media attention and controversy. Lazar’s story has its supporters and skeptics, including Stanton Friedman, a ufologist who claimed to have looked into Lazar’s background. Friedman claims that Lazar is a fraud and lied about attending MIT and cannot even remember the year he obtained his masters in MIT. No professors at MIT remember Bob Lazar or have any photos of him.[14]


S4 facility

Lazar alleges that the S4 facility is located near the Papoose Range within Nevada’s Nellis Air Force Test Range and is accessed via a dirt road. The details that Lazar provided regarding S4 are very non-specific, with Lazar having stated that he was transported in a blacked-out bus to the site which did not allow him to see the landscape.

Groom Lake (upper left) with Papoose Lake noticeable at the lower right

Lazar claims that the S4 base proper contains nine aircraft hangars built into the side of the mountain range, with hangar doors constructed on an angle matching the slope of a mountain. The doors to the hangars are camouflaged with natural material to blend in with the side of the mountain and the adjoining desert floor. He claims the site is protected from all ground-based viewing angles by its location within an isolated valley. Inside these hangars are, according to Lazar, the laboratories and scientists studying extraterrestrial spacecraft.

The name “S4 Area 51” appears in the controversial Majestic 12 (MJ-12) documents but are marked, by the FBI’s investigators, as “BOGUS”. Access to the area stated by Lazar is highly restricted by the United States government to the public


Youtube :- Dan Willis, MAJIC12FILMS

Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B)

The U.S. Government alone classifies over 500 million pages of documents each year. As far as transparency goes, there is none. How can we know anything about what is happening on our planet if so much information is hidden from the public domain? By now, the classified world has moved far beyond the reach of the public, and far beyond in its power and capabilities with regards to technology, scientific and cosmological knowledge and more.(1).

“According to our best estimates, more than half of all U.S. government records are classified. For an archivist seeking to preserve and understand our history, that means most of our history is kept secret from us, think about that for a moment ” – Richard Dolan (4)

The United States has a history of government agencies existing in secret. The National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952, its existence was hidden until the mid 1960’s. Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely concealed for 30 years. Recent leaks from Edward Snowden, a former intelligence contractor, have shed light on the black budget world. This is a world full of Special Access Programs (SAP) that garnishes trillions of dollars every year to conduct operations the general public knows nothing about(2). These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress (3)(1)”. One aspect of these ‘deep black programs’ is the development of deep underground military bases, and they can go up to several miles underneath the surface. There are also known underground facilities in existence. Take for example, the Swedish underground military facility at  Musko. It’s a large naval base built underneath a mountain. The hospital alone within this facility holds over 1,000 beds. Musko engineers blasted out 1,500, 000 cubic meters of stone in order to build it (4)(5).

The military utility for underground construction is obvious. I recall years ago studying the matter in the context of American Cold War military strategy. during the 1950’s, motivated by a fear of Soviet missiles striking American installations and cities, military planners recognized the value of secure facilities deep underground (1) – Richard Dolan

In 1987 Deputy Director of Engineering and Construction for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Lloyd A. Duscha, gave a speech at an engineering conference entitled “Underground Facilities for Defense – Experience and Lessons.” In the first paragraph of his speech he states the following:

After World War II, political and economic factors changed the underground construction picture and caused a renewed interest to “think underground.” As a result of this interest, the Corps of Engineers became involved in the design and construction of some very complex and interesting military projects. Although the conference program indicates the topic to be “Underground Facilities for Defense – Experience and Lessons,” I must deviate a little because several of the most interesting facilities that have been designed and constructed by the Corps are classified. (4)(6)

He then went into a discussion of the Crops’ involvement in the 1960’s in the construction of the large and elaborate NORAD base buried deep beneath Cheyenne Mountain, in Colorado. This is just a public statement, but you will not find a more significant public admission of secret, underground bases than this one. People speaking is not the only evidence available, there are actual documents obtained by researchers through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that shed more light on the subject, and clearly outline plans for the contraction of underground facilities(4). There are documents available which expose a deep underground command center that was to be built far below area’s such as Washington, D.C. and China Lake, California during the Cold War. Documents  available show that in 1964 the military was considering building a huge underground cavity 4,000 feet deep beneath China Lake (4). It’s well known that the United States and the Soviet Union created a vast infrastructure to support a complex of offensive and defensive weapons during the Cold War. This infrastructure included sites and facilities for developing, testing, storing and manufacturing weapons. There was also a host of communication and command centers(7). The worlds most prominent researcher on Underground Military Facilities (in my opinion) Richard Sauder, Ph.D, told of an interesting story in his book Hidden In Plain Site (4) that I’d like to share with you.

“As it happens, after giving a public talk a couple of years ago, I was approached by a man who had been a uniformed member of the United States Navy. We chatted for a while and when he mentioned that he had spent some time at China Lake my ears perked up. I asked him if there was an underground facility at China Lake. He said that indeed there is, and that it is impressively large and deep. I asked him if he had ever been in it, and he said that he had, though not to the deepest levels. I asked him how deep the deepest part extended. He looked at me soberly and said very quietly, “It goes one mile deep.” I then asked him what the underground base contains. He replied, “Weapons.” I responded, “What sort of weaponry?” And he answered without pausing, “Weapons more powerful than nuclear weapons.” (4)

Deep Underground Command Center (DUCC)

The very first TOP SECRET memo on the subject was issued by Robert McNamara, on November 7th 1963 from the office of the Secretary of Defense. This took place right before the Kennedy murder (4).

There is a very grave danger that an announced need for increased secrecy will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit, to the extent that it is in my control. We are opposed around the world by a system which has ocnscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed (7).

In this memo McNamara discusses the topic of the National Underground Command Center. The memo was addressed to McGeorge Bundy, Kermit Gordon and Dr. Jerome Wiesner. Bundy was the special assistant for National Security Affairs of President Kennedy. Gordon was the Director of the Bureau of the Budget and Wiesner was Kennedy’s science adviser. McNamara stated that they would meet sometime during the end of November, unfortunately Kennedy was dead by then. A Second memo was issued on the same day concerning a proposed Deep Underground National Command Center that would be approximately 3,500 feet underground Washington. (4) The memo also mentioned elevator shafts below the State Department and White House that would descend to 3,500 feet with high speed, horizontal tunnel transport to the main facility. Remember we are talking about the 1960’s, what type of technology would be available for them to complete a project like this? The reality of Deep Underground Military Bases is extremely fascinating. There is an enormous amount of evidence that proves their existence. Secret military bases used to be labelled in the conspiracy theory category. Not long ago, the Department of Defense officially declassified the existence of Area 51. (8) There are hundreds of military bases, and underground military bases spread all over the world. Dr Richard Sauder documents this phenomenon well in Hidden In Plain Sight, among his other works. What I’ve provided above is not even the tip of the ice berg. In his book he goes on to illustrate the technology behind such developments, under ocean bases, and more. This is a fascinating topic to explore, and the next question to ask is what goes on in underground military facilities? We know that the military operates at these defense installations, and it’s safe to assume that a number of classified projects go in within them. One that seems to be a common occurrence that’s related to Deep Underground Military Facilities are UFOs and extraterrestrials. Best selling British author and researcher, Timothy Good, has written several books dealing with the question of possible extraterrestrial interaction with Earth. Another one that comes to mind is historian and UFO researcher Richard Dolan. Both have hinted to having been privy to some very interesting information in some of their books. In After Disclsoure, Dolan shares an experience he had with a politician who was deep underground in a military base.. He was briefed on the extraterrestrial reality and said that ET’s and UFOs are just the tip of the ice berg when it comes to information that’s concealed from the public.(1) Timothy Good has been privy to information from a variety of sources, including private ones that discuss a variety of locations around the world for alleged undersea and underground extraterrestrial bases. Abductees and contactees constantly refer to deep underground installations within the Planet. Could the extraterrestrial phenomenon be directly related to Deep Underground Military Facilities? I’ve had two personal encounters with Canadian Military Personnel. One of them was a Coast Guard veteran, he personally told me that if I would like to know about extraterrestrials, “come work for us and you can ask them yourself.” This is something I’ll remember for my entire life. The second one was bizarre, I encountered a senior Canadian Air Force officer, had a short conversation with him and brought up UFOs. He instantly turned around and started walking away from me. About an hour later, in a completely different location, he walked right by me and didn’t even look at me, accompanied by two men in suits. Source :-